Google Doc serves as an online form of a word processing tool. From the beginning this tool proves its uniqueness in that it allows to store all docs online. Therefore when you create a document, it is no longer a need for a flash drive or emailed attachment, all documents are saved via g-mail. This also provides a place where access to all documents is available as quickly as it may take to log in. For the most part google docs presents all tools made available by the Apple or Microsoft versions, one difference would lie in formatting options, but these are small inconveniences. Google docs does provide the ability to share documents with friends or classmates, allowing them the ability to make changes, this is provided by just adding these individuals emails to a list of recipients. This ability to share documents within google docs makes this a tool which could be very effective within the classroom. Groups could review collaborative work, or it can also be used as a forum for students to state their opinions on lesson plans or reading material. Another use for google docs is its effective method for proofreading, rather than bringing in a hard copy, students could email the document to their teacher. The teacher could revise and make comments, without using valuable paper material. Prior to this project I had little to no experience with google docs and following I have been convinced of its effectiveness. My contribution to the project consisted of several suggestions, how this could be used in class, as well as importing pictures to the document. Overall google docs was eye opening, and very surprising of its accessibility.
Nice comparison, and yes --- the features you're giving up (from Word) are indeed minor.